Solr’s New AnalyticsQuery API

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In Solr 4.9 there is a new AnalyticsQuery API that allows developers to plug custom analytic logic into Solr. The AnalyticsQuery class provides a clean and simple API that gives developers access to all the rich functionality in Lucene and … Continued

New in Solr 4.9: Query Re-Ranking

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In my last blog, I discussed Solr’s new RankQuery capability, which allows developers to take full control of the ranking process. The new ReRankingQParserPlugin leverages the RankQuery framework to hook in Lucene’s new QueryRescorer. Query Re-Ranking Explained: Solr offers a … Continued

Solr’s New RankQuery API

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Coming in Solr 4.9 is a new RankQuery API. Before diving into how the RankQuery API works, I’ll give a little background into how ranking works in Lucene/Solr. A Lucene search can have three parts to it: 1) A Query: … Continued

Solr 4.7 Features

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Solr 4.7 has been released! Here’s a slightly more in-depth overview of some selected features. Deep Paging Both single node, and distributed deep paging have been added to Solr! I previously created an example of how to use Solr’s deep … Continued

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