posted in: analytics, facets, heliosearch, solr | 0

Introduction Facet Types Testing Using Curl Terms Facet Query Facet Range Facet Related page: Facet Functions Related page: Sub-Facets Introduction Heliosearch has a completely re-written faceted search module with a structured JSON API to control the faceting commands. The structured … Continued

Heliosearch/Solr Facet Functions and Analytics

Traditional faceted search (also called guided navigation) involves counting search results that belong to categories (also called facet constraints). The new facet functions in Heliosearch/Solr extends normal faceting by allowing additional aggregations on document fields themselves. Combined with the new … Continued

Heliosearch/Solr Subfacets

posted in: analytics, facets, grouping, solr | 0

Subfacets (also called Nested Facets) is a more generalized form of Solr’s current pivot faceting that allows adding additional facets for every bucket produced by a parent facet. Subfacet advantages over pivot faceting: Subfacets work with facet functions (statistics), enabling … Continued

Native Code Faceting

Native code faceting for Solr has just been added to Heliosearch, and benchmarks show an impressive 2x performance increase! This is faceting code written in C++ and statically compiled for maximum performance, and loaded into the JVM via JNI (Java … Continued

Off-Heap FieldCache Faceting and Sorting

Lucene/Solr background Lucene has a segmented architecture – when a small amount of documents are added to an existing index, this will often just add an additional small segment to the index. Caching data structures at the segment level (e.g. … Continued

Heliosearch/Solr Off-Heap FieldCache Performance

Heliosearch’s off-heap FieldCache was previously introduced and benchmarked for integer fields. Support for all numeric field types as well as string fields has now been completed, and this post will focus on the performance of string fields. A review of … Continued