posted in: analytics, facets, heliosearch, solr | 0

Introduction Facet Types Testing Using Curl Terms Facet Query Facet Range Facet Related page: Facet Functions Related page: Sub-Facets Introduction Heliosearch has a completely re-written faceted search module with a structured JSON API to control the faceting commands. The structured … Continued

Heliosearch/Solr Facet Functions and Analytics

Traditional faceted search (also called guided navigation) involves counting search results that belong to categories (also called facet constraints). The new facet functions in Heliosearch/Solr extends normal faceting by allowing additional aggregations on document fields themselves. Combined with the new … Continued

Heliosearch/Solr Subfacets

posted in: analytics, facets, grouping, solr | 0

Subfacets (also called Nested Facets) is a more generalized form of Solr’s current pivot faceting that allows adding additional facets for every bucket produced by a parent facet. Subfacet advantages over pivot faceting: Subfacets work with facet functions (statistics), enabling … Continued

Streaming Aggregation For SolrCloud

Introduction Tuples, TupleStreams and Sorted Streams SolrStream Stream Decorators Streaming Set Operations Streaming Aggregation Distributed Searching, Sorting and Streaming: CloudSolrStream A Bottleneck Rears It’s Ugly Head! Distributed Aggregation: ParallelStream Scaling-up With SolrCloud Replicas   Introduction This blog describes the new … Continued