Solr’s Realtime Get

posted in: lucene, search, solr | 0

Solr took another step toward increasing it’s NoSQL datastore capabilities, with the addition of realtime get. Background As readers probably know, Lucene/Solr search works off of point-in-time snapshots of the index. After changes have been made to the index, a … Continued

Solr Result Grouping / Field Collapsing

posted in: search, solr | 0

Result Grouping, also called Field Collapsing, has been committed to Solr! This functionality limits the number of documents for each “group”, usually defined by the unique values in a field (just like field faceting). You can think of it like … Continued

CSV output for Solr

posted in: search, solr | 0

Solr has been able to slurp in CSV for quite some time, and now I’ve finally got around to adding the ability to output query results in CSV also. The output format matches what the CSV loader can slurp. Adding … Continued

Ranges over Functions in Solr 1.4

posted in: lucene, search, solr | 0

Solr 1.4 contains a new feature that allows range queries or range filters over arbitrary functions.  It’s implemented as a standard Solr QParser plugin, and thus easily available for use any place that accepts the standard Solr Query Syntax by … Continued

Solr scalability improvements

posted in: java, lucene, search, solr | 0

With CPU cores constantly increasing, there has been some major work done in Lucene/Solr to increase the scalability under multi-threaded load. Read-only IndexReaders One bottleneck was synchronization around the checking of deleted docs in a Lucene IndexReader.  Since another thread … Continued

Solr Faceted Search Performance Improvements

posted in: java, lucene, search, solr | 0

Having performance issues with Solr’s faceted search and certain types of fields?  Help has arrived in the form of a new Solr faceting algorithm!  This new faceting implementation dramatically improves the performance of faceted search, making it suitable for a … Continued

Distributed Search for Solr

posted in: java, lucene, search, solr | 0

A new chapter in Solr scalability has been opened with the addition of distributed search! Distributed Search splits an index into multiple shards, and queries across all the shards, combining the results and presenting a single merged response that … Continued