Solr Faceted Search Performance Improvements

posted in: java, lucene, search, solr | 0

Having performance issues with Solr’s faceted search and certain types of fields?  Help has arrived in the form of a new Solr faceting algorithm!  This new faceting implementation dramatically improves the performance of faceted search, making it suitable for a … Continued

lookup3ycs : a standard high performance string hash

posted in: java, search | 0

I was surprised to discovered that there isn’t a good cross-platform hash function defined for strings. MD5, SHA, FVN, etc, all define hash functions over bytes, meaning that it’s under-specified for strings. So I set out to create a standard … Continued

Distributed Search for Solr

posted in: java, lucene, search, solr | 0

A new chapter in Solr scalability has been opened with the addition of distributed search! Distributed Search splits an index into multiple shards, and queries across all the shards, combining the results and presenting a single merged response that … Continued

Solr at Web 2.0 Expo Berlin

posted in: search | 0

I’ll be giving a Solr presentation Nov 8th in Berlin, titled “Add Powerful Full Text Search to Your Web App with Solr“. Should be fun, just wish I had more free time while in Berlin…

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